
Educación climática (2023)

Me invitan a revisar un artículo, pero incialmente paso porque desde siempre me niego no sólo a publicar artículos en revistas de pago (directo o indirecto), y desde hace un tiempo también a hacer revisiones, para enriquecer con mi trabajo a un espabilado como el chino de MDPI o cualquier otra multinacional. Insistieron varias veces, y decidí echar un vistazo. El formato de Qeios me resultó tan curioso (ambiguo al menos), que finalmente he aceptado la invitación. Provisionalmente, como digo en el texto. 

Review of: Responsible Geosciences, or Geoscience Literacy for Urbanites

It is an interesting article, which (in my opinion) starts from a very acceptable premise because it coincides with my analytical model of the global city ( https://www.academia.edu/47651552/Hacia_la_urbe_global_El_fin_de_las_jerarqu%C3%ADas_territoriales ) this is the tendency towards cultural urbanization of the entire planet, and this also implies the loss of "knowledge" that in the framework of rurality did exist (although it should not be mythologized either: some of the biggest climatic catastrophes occur in rural spaces, because they lack a key component to face them: science/technology).

However, part of other not so acceptable premises. Well, in most of the countries of the world, there is a strong education in earth and natural sciences throughout the process of primary and secondary education. We studied through Biology, Chemistry, Physical Geography, for years, of course in all developed countries.

The problem is not so much, therefore, the lack of Geosciences in our training, but the lack of Social Science that relates this knowledge to social reality, how it influences it and is influenced. This has been evidenced in our work "For a true education for climate change" ( https://theconversation.com/por-una-verdadera-educacion-para-el-cambio-climatico-126612 ), after analyzing the reality of climate education in some Spanish regions (https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.2293). The importance of the Social Sciences in all this matter was already highlighted in my conference "Global change, vulnerability and resilience: the role of the social sciences" in 2010 ( https://www.academia.edu/23405144/Cambio_global_vulnerabilidad_y_resiliencia_el_papel_de_las_ciencias_sociales_2010_ ) .

Consequently, it is very appropriate that the educational programs in Natural Sciences be refined (although the article does not specify this, nor does it point out examples in different countries or regions), adapting them for a better knowledge of Climate Change, its causes and effects. But if it is not linked to a sociological training on the social bases of those causes, and on the social consequences of the effects, it will not be of much use. Geosciences in Secondary Education, of course. But without Sociology it cannot have a sustainable effect.

I have accepted to do a review in this repository, although I systematically refuse to do reviews in journals that charge for publishing (from the authors or their universities), because the Queios format still has me somewhat confused. So provisionally.


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